Thursday, August 27, 2009

Manusia dan Kuasa Pt. 1

Ini bukanlah satu propaganda, ini adalah ide-ide yang mungkin membuat sesetengah pembaca kembali mengokong dan kembali dikongkong. Mari kita anarki. Apa yang akan tergambar di otak sesetengah manusia? Keganasan? Huru-hara? Bukankah sama kalau dinyatakan mari kita menentang? Menentang dari dikuasai; kehendak yang berlebih,atau pihak atasan. Hapuskan sistem hierarki kerana manusia dilahir bukan untuk mengikut segala tuntutan dunia. Bukan lahir untuk kerajaan. Bukan lahir untuk penguatkuasa. Bukan lahir untuk dibunuh oleh kekejaman fascist. Manusia lahir untuk menuntut segala yang lahiriah dengan diri mereka. Bukan tuntutan yang diwujud oleh manusia sendiri kerana manusia sesama manusia tidak akan dapat memenuhi kehendak masing-masing tanpa kekerasan. Dan, undang-undang oleh manusia ternyata songsang dengan hak dan lumrah hidup manusia. Contoh, dimana hak tahanan ISA untuk bersuara membela diri? Sedangkan dia mempunyai mulut dan sistem akal yang mampu untuk dia berbicara,mempunyai hati untuk merasa, dan segala sistem biologi yang lain yang membuatkan manusia mampu dan layak untuk bersuara untuk hak mereka,dan siapa penguatkuasa ini untuk mengunci mulut tahanan-tahanan ini? Siapa polis untuk menyalahguna kuasa demi kepentingan sendiri? dan siapa yang memberi mereka KUASA? Apa itu kuasa dalam sistem berkerajaan? Kuasa yang diberi oleh manusia lain kepada manusia lain, apa yang ada pada manusia cuma beza akal dan ide yang mampu mempengaruhi tindakan. Segala sistem ada cara untuk dipatahkan, semua sistem tidak sempurna. Tiada sesiapa yang berkuasa atas satu sama lain dalam kalangan manusia ni. Percayalah jika kita bertindak atas dasar kemanusiaan,kelak perjuangan ini berbaloi kerana apa yang dilakukan oleh penindas amatlah busuk sehingga satu hari nanti akan terhidu ramai dari persembunyian. Ini bukan ide oleh mana-mana parti. Ini ide libertarian. Mana-mana parti pun sama sahaja kerana manusia mudah lupa diri bila di kedudukan. Lihatlah statue yang dibina untuk Abraham Lincoln, kerusi yang didudukinya itu jauh sekali dari perkataan empuk mahupun selesa untuk dinikmati. Tetapi dengan binaan yang tampak kukuh dan tapak yang lebar,kerusi itu mewakili kuasa yang dimiliki pemimpin itu. Si Abe ni amat selesa dengan kedudukannya kerana dapat menikmati kuasa yang dimilikinya. Kebanyakan kerajaan pusat sama. Kejam demi kepentingan negara bukan isi negara. Ingat, tanpa rakyat, tidak akan wujud kerajaan. Kenapa amat sedikit manusia yang sedar akan keadaan ini? Bukan susah untuk menggulingkan kerajaan zalim. to be continued..

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I choose to be an Anarcho-Situationist.

Salam. We all live under a harmonic country though sometime we've been through odds throw by the government and the authority. We are not being oppress physically,but mentally and so finely we could not foresee with our eyes sometime. We have to fight mentally not hasrhly like we dont have civilization. I have to admit that sometime i have to follow the rule and the law as long as it does no harm to me.

Law. This is one of the form that is necessary to all. It is a necessary evil. Means, the thing that give you hard times but make you need it, the most sometime. Let put it in the simple situation. Who do you going to refer to or report to if you've been rob/snatch? If there is no law, then there is no authority,and there will also no enforcement. It is clear here that we need all those fucking shitty things,besides,we got our right to have our case settled. But it's not wrong to fight the evil authority, the corrupted, the oppressor because we live and fight for what we feel right to let live.

Fuel. It is also a necessary evil which we needed the most but at the same time, rob us. It is a fake if i say that i boycott the oil company just because they're so much similar to capitalist and i'm anarchist.

Property. JP proudhon said that "property is robbery". It's true.But, how it can rob us? This is the situation we have to aware of by minimalise our spending on unnecessary goods such as accesories, luxurious household, cut cost on expensive food(as we all know,we as humanbeing can eat moderately to live life). We can't just shut off our spending and go for total DIY, if someone claim he or she's done that,what a fake they are. It's a basic need we should have in order to live life comfortly,just that we have to minimalise and go for the cheapest.

Administration and politic. Yes we dont have a total right of speech our piece of mind in the public regarding politic issue and go for the representative to speak out in the parliament, that is because, we're in the parliament democracy state. What we have to do is just wait and see what our country soon to become,and if it's still okay and stabil, what are we should fight for? But economic matters is always the issue to fight as the poverty and hunger are still lying around the city everywhere.

This is just a preface of my anarchy and how i understand it. This is just a little briefing and no detail info about what anarcho-situationist is really means. Basically, anarcho-situationist is based on what really happen in our daily life and it goes along our up and downs.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Democracy tradition. Are we there yet?

Malaysia not yet can officially be called democratic system. Democracy system just being chose by the ruler just to fog the people sight and to put in the people’s mind that Malaysia is just fair enough to all to voice out the people right but not really actually compare to those other republic country where the people are the underdog. Malaysia can be said have a little understanding on what democracy is. Democracy itself can’t give any benefit to the people and the people should not hoping for it to do so. Democracy can’t even do anything –only the people of the democracy can act include the people among the government servant. Democracy is refer to the people not to the government system. The government just have to follow what the people have chose in order to the smoother administration and should not go against what people want. Democracy can only illustrate how people can act constantly and articulately. But when the majority have decided to be faith under inhuman system, a democrat should not think the unparallel of his or her point of view with the system should be voice out first but have to aware others about the situation the people going to face aftermath as he or she also should realize that the democracy tradition in the country is not strong enough.

Institution formed is not enough if not pattern with tradition. The institutions always torn due to achieving an opposite goal among others cause of the absence of tradition stability. For example, an opposition party should take action on the majority who robbed people’s money. But it happens other way around as the opposition shared the profit made from the political confiscate. Where is the division for the people? It is such a waste of time talking about democracy if both wings flapping for flying sake and not for landing and eating and filling the full function of it. In a nutshell, tradition is needed most to engage the institutions with the intention and valuation of every individual. This is as much as what anarchism bear which is the right to speak out people’s mind and fight for the real democracy. And anarchist Guy Fawkes was right when he said government should be afraid of the people and the people should not be afraid of the government realising without people, what is government stands for, and as for the ruler, he or she have to be the sheep to lead the sheep.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

She Was Not There.
beloved Lily Farhana

I feel her tiny hands,
I adore her existence,
The curve pulled up on her face..warmed my insight,
Her giggles resound,inject the ecstasy to my brain,
The 4 feet plus figure..silhoutted my view...

Just when I'm about to undress her..
to feel the God's greatest creation;

She was NOT there...

p/s: people may not go above the power to bring the moment into reality..but the will to survive may create the power enough for realising the moment or dream...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Do wings flapping on both sides?

Democracy and Riot. Riot happen just when any living thing feel threatening by who-so-ever especially the one who had ability to do or create something which means,power. Riot could never possibly be wrong since it was designed to let voices and self-righteousness to be heard. It could be worse when the authority or the government are all into themselves. I'm not saying that government got it all wrong,but as a human-being we can't afford to obey human made order or law that had been thrown upon us. Riot came out from human insight. Do we need riot if we have been heard? Are we democratic enough? Where are students' right to politic? Do politic right has to be included in AUKU?

Everything may brought to comparisons since wings are flapping on both sides. Only remains, which sides you are on. This is an arguementative issue. Each side wants to stick up their wet thread. In the term of society, people always look upon the best they can get for themselves. When the election day has come, people are voting for the most promising candidate. "Saya akan menyumbang subsidi kepada rakyat yang miskin,kepada India, Cina dan Melayu, bersama kita bersatu.Kita akan dapat hak sama rata.." of which they hope most for a better benefits. There will always sounded.."Dato'..apa khabar? "..which dialogue of the hopefull hopeless man,he couldn't realise the rhetorik of the man. Most of the candidate end up as MB doing nothing for the people but more to themselves. The supporters of other party are willing to die for the sake of their party,which is called Nationalism. Where this ideology may tear our flag apart.

On the otherside of the society, I've learned that they are more to their right and they are not need to be lead. They want a total democracy. But is Malaysia a democratic country? Wonder or not, there are prostest and demonstration everywhere regarding human right issue whether on economic issues, racial issues, authority corruption issues, etc. The government just can't govern well enough for a better state. If it is otherwise, what do poverty lay around in the modern city? And it left for the people to handle. The NGOs'. I would agreed on the term, "People for people". No ministers need to offilcial this occation if it's happen. To commercialise for name, just stop by for ribbon cutting and few photograph by media? Do they monitor the activities till the end? Malaysia never see upon their society's best till the world see it first.

So, the main point is,let's not just hope for the government. Let's yell for a real democracy. Let them hear our voice. Says Thomas Jefferson,.." when the people fear their government, there is tyranny..when the government fears the people, there is liberty.."

"people for people"


Anarki bukan sistem politik

Lecturer : Amir,what topic are you going to write about in your term paper?

Aku : Anarchy...and how it works on individual, society and state..and why we need it..

Lecturer : Great Amir! political system...hmm..(she doesn't really knows what
exactly what anarchy is..)

Aku : Heh..yes...( is it a political system? not really...)

Anarki dalam pemahaman aku.., adalah kebebasan mutlak..tanpa kuasa lain atas diri se-orang itu. Aku amat obses dengan doktrin ini..perbicaraan soal hidup tanpa desakan dan halangan kehendak..Anarki itu cinta bagi aku..cinta yang disini bermaksud keamanan..sebagai anarkis,aku bebas bertindak hak aku, aku mampu sedikit sebanyak berdikari..dan aku mampu meningkatkan keyakinan diri aku untuk berhadapan dengan masalah yang di mana aku perlu berhujah dan bertindak demi kepentingan dan hak aku..

Anarki adalah sesuatu yang amat positif..yang mana ideologi ini amat kontra dengan kuasa besar seperti kapitalis yang berbisnes dengan sifat yang "sesuka hati" dan "selagi boleh" tanpa menyesakkan otak mereka untuk memikir hak masyarakat lain..oleh perihal itu, wujudlah Anarki yang bergerak menentang arus pemikiran global yang sakit ini..

Anarki ini tidak hanya bertentangan dengan kapitalis..ia juga bertentangan dengan kerajaan..bukan sesuka hati si anarki untuk memberontak tanpa sebab jikalau sesebuah kerajaan itu amat molek pentadbirannya..ia mula memberontak apabila pihak yang sepatutnya bertanggungjawab terhadap sosial yang sakit dah lebih sakit dari sosial itu sendiri..malah lebih parah..dengan keadaan politik yang hanya pentingkan kedudukan dan nama,penuh dengan skandal,hanya tinggal rakyat untuk rakyat,mana pergi pemimpin? Bab kata Thomas Jefferson,"to lead the sheep,you have to be the sheep.."bermakna pemimpin yang berjiwa rakyat..ini tak..pergi istana angkat pingat,tapi sendiri tak mau ingat..

Anarki lah Rakyat untuk Rakyat..we are the sheep among the sheep..tetapi rakyat sendiri yang tak bersedia untuk pijak dan berjalan atas bumi sendiri dengan kukuh..pegang sangat dengan janji dan subsidi dato'-dato',YB,calon parti yang retorik belaka demi kemegahan dan keangkuhan...panjang lagi kalau nak cerita tentang Anarki...banyak cabang..

Secara asasnya,Anarki ialah cinta kedamaian yang memenuhi naluri dan hak manusia..tidak ada sangkut paut tentang agama di sini ya..Untuk lebih lanjut, aku cadangkan pembacaan buku "Anarchism and other essay(Emma Goldman a.k.a the princess of anarchy)"..buku ini terdapat berbagai idea tentang Anarki dari tokoh anarkis seperti Proudhon..Blackstone yang berkata"..human laws are invalid, because it is contrary to the law of nature..")...bagus buku ni untuk rujukan...jangan jadi anarki buta..mengikut telunjuk orang lain.. faham, fikir dan bawa setiap apa yang anda faham tentang anarki dengan cara sendiri..usaha lah sikit...

p/s: kalau ada yang ingin membetul dan menambah,silakan..


" jahat...."

Pada suatu malam yang agak sepoi-sepoi bahasa angin nya di mana aku dan si dia berdua-duaan..timbullah rasa ingin bermanja langsung dengan situasi berikut..aku mula menyentuhnya..kehangatnnya terasa..hatiku gelojoh berkata.."ini jangan kasi sejuk ni,rugi kang"
"by..apa ni..taknak la..jangan paksa-paksa orang jahat.." demikianlah rungut perempuan ku..aku berkeras juga.."alaa sikit je..bukan rugi pun..cuba pejam mata nikmati.." tapi dia terus menolak..

sudahnya,nafsuku tak dapat dibendung lagi..aku mula membogelkannya sedikit demi sedikit..dengan beralah aku mengendalinya..ternyata si dia tak tahan..dengan layangan bayu malam aku nikmati susuk figura ini..ternyata aku dalam khayalan..tak pernah aku rasa hebat sebegini..akulah bintang pada malam itu..gigitan manje di sana sini..jilat dengan penuh dia mengeluh..."by...sampai hati dia..apa dia buat ni..."si dia terlalu banyak cakap...tanpa fikir panjang aku masukkannya ke dalam.."by taknak by..taknak..hmmm.." aku tak kira...aku berjaya.. dia terdiam seribu bahasa..mungkin terkesima dengan keenakkan dunia yang baru sahaja dirasainya tadi...aku terus masukkan..dan si dia menerimanya dengan baik...aku gembira....

"by...dah habis?"

"sayang nak lagi ke? alaa..tak larat la..esok esok pulak ye?"

"yelah...esok baby nak doublecheese burger lagi tau by..sayang by"

Demikianlah kisah kecundangnya masyarakat kita ke tangan yahudi..boikotlah selagi boleh..

p/s:sebutan "by" (bee)


"eh,apsal kau hidup lagi?"

aku ingat dah habis..terkelip kelip mata aku asap dari hasil bakaran di celah jariku menerpa kornea ku..persetankan soal melayu jika aku asyik termenung begini..dah tentu melayu kuat termenung, berangan..aku bukan berangan..merancang..berfikir..fikir soal aku dan apa aku nak buat setiap kali selepas setiap pagi aku sapa diri aku dalam cermin,"eh,apsal kau hidup lagi hari ni?"
Makin lama aku fikir makin melalut..terus aku monolog"tuhan ada tugas untuk kau tu.."..Tuhan..
Emm..aku pernah bicara soal amanat yang di perintah di saat aku sahabat aku ni, terlalu banyak menyoal.."kau tahu kenapa kau turun kat dunia?", aku jawab dengan bersahaja.."entah,fungsi biologi.." sahabat aku berkata lagi.."amanat mir amanat"..aku angguk je..
Ingin saja aku jawab jawapan yang sama..diturutnya pula dengan soal bukti..bukti,bukti..
Sambung pasal kenapa aku masih mampu bernafas dan bergerak dan berfikir normal..normalkah?
Bagi siapa aku normal? Apa itu normal? Kalau aku normal sudah tentu kebanyakan perkara aku buat serupa dengan majoriti..Salah penggunaan kata di situ. Aku bukan normal..aku mungkin relevan..
Soalnya aku masih hidup hanya kerana secara metaforanya adalah untuk menonton wayang dan pilih pengaruh yang mana satu aku akan pilih untuk pembawakan watak.
Pendek kata, aku HIDUP untuk MATI, vice versa. Faham idea ini? Antara ayat tersebut,tersimpul berjilid-jilid ensiklopedia untuk menghuraikan maksudnya..aku sendiri masih mencatat..
