Thursday, January 29, 2009

Do wings flapping on both sides?

Democracy and Riot. Riot happen just when any living thing feel threatening by who-so-ever especially the one who had ability to do or create something which means,power. Riot could never possibly be wrong since it was designed to let voices and self-righteousness to be heard. It could be worse when the authority or the government are all into themselves. I'm not saying that government got it all wrong,but as a human-being we can't afford to obey human made order or law that had been thrown upon us. Riot came out from human insight. Do we need riot if we have been heard? Are we democratic enough? Where are students' right to politic? Do politic right has to be included in AUKU?

Everything may brought to comparisons since wings are flapping on both sides. Only remains, which sides you are on. This is an arguementative issue. Each side wants to stick up their wet thread. In the term of society, people always look upon the best they can get for themselves. When the election day has come, people are voting for the most promising candidate. "Saya akan menyumbang subsidi kepada rakyat yang miskin,kepada India, Cina dan Melayu, bersama kita bersatu.Kita akan dapat hak sama rata.." of which they hope most for a better benefits. There will always sounded.."Dato'..apa khabar? "..which dialogue of the hopefull hopeless man,he couldn't realise the rhetorik of the man. Most of the candidate end up as MB doing nothing for the people but more to themselves. The supporters of other party are willing to die for the sake of their party,which is called Nationalism. Where this ideology may tear our flag apart.

On the otherside of the society, I've learned that they are more to their right and they are not need to be lead. They want a total democracy. But is Malaysia a democratic country? Wonder or not, there are prostest and demonstration everywhere regarding human right issue whether on economic issues, racial issues, authority corruption issues, etc. The government just can't govern well enough for a better state. If it is otherwise, what do poverty lay around in the modern city? And it left for the people to handle. The NGOs'. I would agreed on the term, "People for people". No ministers need to offilcial this occation if it's happen. To commercialise for name, just stop by for ribbon cutting and few photograph by media? Do they monitor the activities till the end? Malaysia never see upon their society's best till the world see it first.

So, the main point is,let's not just hope for the government. Let's yell for a real democracy. Let them hear our voice. Says Thomas Jefferson,.." when the people fear their government, there is tyranny..when the government fears the people, there is liberty.."

"people for people"


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